Week 4 September 24th-26th
In week 4 we discussed signal and noise and the rise of the ARPANET. Signals are always complicated by noise, because noise is ever-present. That noise can hinder the ability to receive a signal. I think that this probably presents a large issue as industrialization continues because there is more and more information and sound in the world as the population grows. For example, we have “big data” now, which is more information than can be traditionally processed. A lot of this information can be just noise compared to the signal trying to be relayed.
We learned that the ARPANET was one of the foundations of the internet. It was based on packet switching, which allowed information to be split up into smaller pieces. I think that this was an important change for building the precursor to the internet. It allowed technological advances that were distinct from older technologies like telephones. Packet switching set up a framework for larger amounts of data to be sent because they could be broken down. Developing packet switching also required the development of destinations or addresses, which came about with the invention of the URL (Uniform Resource Locator). My favorite part of week 4 was discussing how the internet is so pervasive now. Text messaging, instant messaging, websites, are all part of the internet. They connect people all over the world.
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